The Hobbit + The Lord of The Rings + BBC Sherlock [Off the Pill]

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December 15, 2012 by racchanKD

3 a.m. 15.12.12

The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet.

And whither then? I cannot say.

Yeah, I ‘m in the writing mood right now!  After got some fleeting happiness, I don’t feel I can go to bed so soon.  So yeah, let’s fill this blog with something that come up today :).

Today, (insyaallah, if there’s no obstacle) I’m going to see… The HOBBIT ! 😀


The Hobbit is a movie that I already waited for like 9 years since I read the novel for the first time in Junior High School.  I like the Hobbit story, it is light and compact (just like your powder :*), it is complete as one book.  I read The Lord of The Rings before, I like both of it.  LOTR full of epic moment whereas The Hobbit is simply “a normal story that can be happen to everyone”.  And I love the poems too.

One year ago, on December 2011, when I randomly checking YouTube, it has “The Hobbit Trailer” (You Tube can recognize your preference very well, moreover these days, it shows many video that you might likely to watch on sidebar, made me open Multi Tab and I have to add this site to my “StayFocusd” list, a Chrome Plug-in which is very useful to prevent you to open “happiness but cost time” site,, have to check it out! :D).  Wow, the trailer said  “This December” , and I thought, “Wow lucky me just watch it in time, it will be out just in some days .. :D.”

But the reality is… I have to wait for 1 year cz it is December 2012 TT_____TT.

Ok then, my first reaction is, wait, who is that Bilbo Baggins!  I don’t know him.  He does not look like Frodo at all.  Even actually Bilbo and Frodo are not directly related, he should at least a little bit handsome-cute like Elijah.  Anyway he is still Baggins!  Isn’t the acctor too old to portray Bilbo?  Why is his hair blonde?  And the answer, I understand it 8 months later.  Haha.  I will give it below.  And the Hobbit story, I expect it is very good but not as epic as LOTR.  After all, it is only 1/6 book of LOTR Trilogy (and I wonder how it will be directed to 3 movies, same duration as LOTR).

Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood)


Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman)

First, when I saw BBC Sherlock.  Simply one of the best show that they put on telly.  It has Benedict Cumberbatch as Mr. Holmes and Martin Freeman as Dr. Watson.  To tell the truth I never really Sherlock fan before, I really love mystery, but for me Sherlock is just so fast , the same feeling when I read Detective Conan.  It has good story but it does not invite me to guess the culprit.  So I just enjoy the story and find out in the end, what happened.  But for me, the interesting point for mystery is you try to figure out the situation, make deduction, and know whether you are true or not (if you are true, you can feel a lil’ bit increment on intelligence :p and if you are wrong, you will still surprised with the ending).  But Sherlock and Conan solve the case very fast with limited clue, it is too inhumane (and somehow makes me feel stupid T_T).  I prefer Agatha Christie’s or Detective Kindaichi book.  It has longer story for plot development and clue finding.  I can also guess while the Detective work on his case.

Okay, where we arrived before?  Haha, ya, BBC Sherlock.  It has good composition of acting, cinematography, story writing, background music, almost everything.  I should say, BBC Sherlock is much more better than Hollywood version.  The Hollywood probably will make Sherlock fans mad at it because it has too much drama and action scene without deep mystery.  But trust me, even if you never read Sherlock before, you will fall in love with BBC version.  In BBC version, I really like John Watson character :).  Why?  Because I like sidekick (besides to like the main character is just too mainstream :p ).  I believe if normal people can be a close friend with inhuman strength people, that means that he is also special.  What are within themselves just makes them special that they don’t need superhuman ability.

I started to search Martin Freeman in Google (usual thing that you do when searching for a homework material).  Found it on Wikipedia for movie that he played.  And guess what, ya, he played Bilbo Bebebebebeggiing (lost words).  I decided to watch the trailer again and it was totally different impression with the first time.  This time with so much “kya kya”.  Okay, I have to agree with Peter Jackson, Martin Freeman is Bilbo Baggins.  He is so normal, he is not so crazy, he is patient when he was mistreated (the dwarves really mendokusai sometimes, you need someone with high patience), he is funny (you can see 70% of his work is comedy), he has British Accent (the mix of commoner and posh accent) – something that Elijah tryin’ to acquire, he is not very tall, good wrinkle, on age of 40’s, overall… he is Bilbo Baggins! :D.  Okay if Martin Freeman can portray Bilbo very well, there is a chance for Martin to win Oscar, after all, The Hobbit is a big budget movie that must be get much spotlight on it.  And the story is so Bilbo-centric.

Anyway, if you like BBC Sherlock, rather than waiting til next year for The 3rd Season to come, why don’t you watch The Hobbit instead?  It has the two Sherlock leading role. Benedict will also play a role on it.  This time, not as a fellow-peer, but as a foe.  Yeah, now that I think of it, they really suit to be enemy.  Sherlock always mean to Watson, he seldom think about others people feeling and doin’ everythin’ on his own, hha2.  And I’m quite sure that Peter Jackson himself also watching Conan Doyle creation.  One of the prove is Braindead, a 1992 film by Peter Jackson, features a Sumatran Rat-monkey, a hybrid that “according to legend” resulted from the rape of tree monkeys on Skull Island by plague rats (Wikipedia).  As some of you know, Giant Rat of Sumatra is one title of Sherlock Holmes adventure.  So, two main actors of Sherlock Holmes series (that played great) and you can see it in Peter Jackson movie, I’m not surprised about it :).

Second, I re-read The Hobbit novel again and LOTR (and watched three of the 720p Extended Movie, which makes me no doubt about the cleanswept, 11 nomination /11 won, it is soo… epic.  I believe all of the determination and hard word that put in LOTR Movies.  Just by seeing the movie, I can imagine how hard it is to be made.  I heard that Peter Jackson is a director that said, “One more shot for luck” and actually “one more” last for several times 😀 ).  Yah, thanks for Reni that voluntarily listened to all of my blabbering at that time about Middle Earth when I really become Tolkien specialist :D.

After re-read the novel (in English edition), I understand some concept.  Frodo is not aging because he become the ring-bearer at the age of 33 (probably it is equal with 21 in today’s human age) after his dearest uncle bequeathed it.  So when he started his adventure at the same age of Bilbo started, although both of them are 50, Frodo has younger appearance because he One Ring stopped him from aging.  And Frodo is special.  He might not know, but Gandalf and Bilbo dubbed him as the best hobbit is Shire.  A dark haired hobbit is rare and Frodo also has some elvish quality in him.  You can read a paper that described about it here.  Yeah, a paper for conference (omg, imagine it they discuss about something like this on international con, hhaha).



Anyway, I think that Frodo Baggins need to be portrayed by very good looking man because Frodo’s character become a lil’ bit annoying on the third book.  In order for the viewer not saying “wow, what is this chap doin’ there”, it has to be handsome so the viewer could’t bring themselves to hate him,, it is forgiven, because he is charming.  LOL.  It is different with Bilbo Baggins, Bilbo character is lovable that he does not need an ultra beautiful face.  A good analogy might be Zack Fair and Cloud Strife.

Ok then, where have we should be?  I think we lost too far. Hahaha.  After all, I cannot wait to see tonight The Hobbit.  It will be on 3D.  My friends who watched for the premiere said that it was awesome, really amazing.  Tonight, I’m gonna see it with European guys and girls, we really looking forward to it.  (I wonder why it is not so popular on Asia, it is hard to find someone who want to see the movie). Btw, I spent some thousand Yen money for it, ouw, Japanese cinema is really… I can buy 5 3D tickets if I were in Indonesia.  Hahaha.  Anw, I just got thousands Yen from some business this week, so no pain to spend it.

Yehaw, hope it will be amazing, Peter Jackson, you deserve my view :D.

For you who already saw the movie? How do you think?  Is it unexpected? 😀

*Updated (after viewing):

Well yah, despite 75% people that I asked said , “It was really good”, and one of my friend after come out from the theater said, “I’m still shivering from the movie”, I really love it because everyone happy.  But I have my personal thought that I should say as one of Tolkien-Jackson fan.

I will said :

I don’t really enjoy the movie at all.  When I step out from the theater, I don’t really know what was going on.  Nothing of the scene still left in my mind.  No, I know the entire story and fully understand about it but.. “The repeated iterations of fight, flight and respite here get wearing”.  My eyes was tired of the fighting scene (despite it was cool, I exclaimed several time while watching).

I saw it in 3D format, and as Peter Rainer said, “Well, that was the longest video game trailer I have ever seen. No, seriously, are you going to show the real film now?” I agreed with that.  It’s the same feeling when you watch FMV on PS3 or XBOX Games.  My friend said that Gollum from 10 years ago seems more real than today’s Gollum.  But The Hobbit has the better technology, isn’t it?

I also do a lot of comparison with the book, to be honest.  Most of people who enjoy the movie probably haven’t read the book yet.  Usually if you watch the movie first and read the book later, you will get a lot more detail that doesn’t show in the movie.  But The Hobbit is the opposite.

But it’s not very important, as if I’m doing First World Problem -_- .  What are more significant is I’m so lucky to have the Hobbit, in a foreign country, near the premiere, with my friends :).  Btw the cinema on Japan is a little bit too empty.  Most likely because it lil’ bit expensive and it’s a English movie (Japanese probably prefer the dubbed version).

Here is some screenshot

The Hobbit 3D

What you got in Japanese Elevator

And one more thing : The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings is different, don’t compare it and don’t expect it to be similar, or you can get disappointed in the end 😉 .

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